
The first impression is often the most important!

Even and beautiful teeth are synonymous with a well-groomed appearance. Thanks to aesthetic dentistry, we now have the opportunity to change the colour, shape and position of your teeth to perfection with care, knowledge and expertise, thus giving nature a helping hand.

A carefree, pleasant smile with radiantly beautiful teeth stands for naturalness, attractiveness, self-confidence and success.

Today, modern dentistry can fulfil this wish for everyone.

Tooth splints

Aligner / orthodontics

Do you want a radiant smile with straight teeth? Thanks to the latest methods in the field of orthodontics, this is possible – not only for teenagers but also for adults. With invisible plastic aligners, misaligned teeth can be corrected without any problems. Aligners are discreet, suitable for everyday use and are easy to remove and clean.


- an excellent alternative to fixed braces. -

Misaligned front teeth are moved back using aesthetic splints after precise diagnostics.

We also produce semi-permanent splints for loosened teeth (e.g. after an accident), which are bonded to the invisible tooth area.

Severe, very protracted and complex cases are treated and managed together with other specialists.


Prevention is always better than cure!

3D - Splint

These are splints that are produced as transparent occlusal splints using the 3D printing process

We produce these in our practice on site using a special milling process, customised to your teeth.

-Advantage: You no longer have to put impression materials in your mouth, your teeth are scanned with an intraoral scanner, i.e. a camera, so there is no need to take an impression with a tray in your mouth. This is much more comfortable for most people. Especially for those who suffer from the so-called gag reflex.

Another advantage is that the planning is done virtually on the PC digitally, which you can also follow yourself. We can also produce a new splint at any time if your splint breaks or is lost, as your tooth moulds are stored digitally in the device.

This saves time and effort!

Snoring splints

If you snore or your partner suffers from sleep disorders, you will not be able to recover from a long or short sleep.

Healthy sleep ensures relaxation and regeneration, which you need for your well-being and performance.

If there are signs of sleep apnoea, diagnostic examinations in a sleep laboratory are necessary. There, measurements of sleep intensity, breathing, brain waves, etc. are taken. Sensors are attached to the head to record the various stages of sleep and any breathing interruptions. In the case of sleep apnoea, breathing stops frequently during the night and the blood is supplied with too little oxygen. In addition to disturbing snoring noises and sleep interruptions, the consequences are extreme daytime tiredness.

Over time, all of this leads to stress on the cardiovascular system, an increase in blood pressure and thus to an increased risk of heart attack, nocturnal cardiac arrhythmia, depression and even the possibility of microsleep, e.g. when driving. Disturbed sleep therefore not only has an impact on your quality of life, but also on your life expectancy.

If breathing pauses of at least 10 seconds occur more than five times an hour, this is known as sleep apnoea.

If a breathing mask prescribed by a sleep doctor is not tolerated, a so-called snoring splint can be made by a dentist. This moves the lower jaw forwards, giving the back of the throat more breathing space and thus preventing annoying snoring noises.

This restores restful sleep, which is important for your activity, quality of life and also for your partner.

In order to obtain initial indications of a sleep disorder in advance, there is a specific checklist that is used for these patients.

This can largely clarify in advance whether it is so-called harmless snoring or whether the suspicion of a disease is confirmed.

Please contact me so that I can initiate any necessary measures in a personal consultation. I will be happy to advise you.

Sports protection splints

With increasingly specialised sports, injuries also occur time and again, especially in the mouth, jawbone and temporomandibular joint area.

The most frequent accidents occur during training and so-called recreational sports.

Competitive athletes naturally wear a sports splint for protection.

It is a mouthguard specially adapted to your dental system, which can distribute and absorb the impact of a fall or other force without causing damage to your jaw and facial system.

Materials offered in shops are much softer, are not customised to you and fit less well.

Our children in particular should be provided with such sports protection for sports such as boxing, squash, hockey, ball games, rollerblading, skateboarding and biking. These splints can already be produced in beautiful colours so that children can proudly show them off. It is also possible to have the splint wearer’s name engraved.

These custom-made sports mouthguards are made in an authorised dental laboratory. They are not covered by statutory health insurance.

Please contact me and arrange a consultation for yourself or together with your child!


First-class care and finally a charming smile again

Veneers are extremely aesthetic and are made of all-ceramic. They offer many advantages for achieving a uniquely beautiful smile. Veneers are very thin, so they require hardly any loss of tooth substance and can also compensate for natural imperfections such as unfavourable tooth shapes, discolouration, small gaps or tooth positions.

Missing incisal edges and front tooth fillings disappear under the veneers.

Your teeth shine in their natural beauty and the tooth colour selected according to your wishes in a radiant tooth white. The colour you choose can be adapted to suit your preferences.

These ceramic veneers are bonded to the front tooth surface using specific bonding methods. The wearing time and durability are not inferior to conventional restorations, they are aesthetically natural and indistinguishable from your own teeth to the naked eye.

Are you interested? Give us a call and make an appointment for a consultation!


A modern tooth whitening method

Bright and naturally beautiful teeth are a sign of vitality and are perceived by others as beautiful, healthy and attractive. Bleaching is a method that can be used to help. Unclear, yellowish or even discoloured individual teeth can be whitened.

The teeth fit back into the aesthetic picture and help to increase self-confidence and self-esteem. There are different methods.

We currently favour in-office whitening because it takes place under the control of the practice and brings our patients rapid success. The tooth colour can be lightened by several shades within an hour.

Talk to us, we will be happy to advise you!

The desire for radiant white teeth optimises a harmonious facial expression and has come to the fore in today’s world.

Modern dentistry now enables us to whiten our teeth and thus help nature a little.

The harmony of the row of teeth can also be disturbed by darkened teeth (as with dead teeth).

We differentiate:

1. office bleaching (ZOOM)

This procedure is used exclusively in practice.

Thanks to the latest light-activated bleaching technologies, we can professionally fulfil your desire for a radiant smile in just one hour. This method allows a whitening of 3-4 shades, depending on whether the basic tooth colour is yellowish or grey-white.

2. internal bleaching

Internal (inner) tooth discolouration, such as in de-vital (dead) teeth, can also be very well influenced by internal bleaching.

3. home bleaching procedure

In this procedure, the result of office bleaching is usually refreshed after a few months by wearing thin, soft trays filled with special bleaching gel.

By wearing them for a certain period of about 2 weeks (usually at night), you can determine the degree of whitening yourself.

We do not recommend bleaching alone and exclusively at home, especially without a dental check-up!


The costs are not covered by statutory health insurance companies, as these are aesthetic and not medically necessary treatments, but are sometimes covered by private health insurance companies.

The desired degree of whitening cannot be guaranteed, but we regularly achieve very good results and our patients are extremely satisfied with this relatively quick method.

Experience shows that it may be necessary to repeat the bleaching process after approx. 2 years if the optimised tooth colour darkens again.

During bleaching, tooth and gum sensitivity may occur, but this usually disappears once the treatment is complete. Bleaching is harmless to your teeth, does not corrode them and is pH-neutral. If darkening occurs after a certain period of time, we can refresh your smile at any time.

Treatment with crowns or veneers is more complex, requires tooth substance and is more expensive.

The interval between initial treatment and refreshments can be considerably extended by regular professional tooth cleaning and airflow in the dental practice.


Bleaching is a very well-researched procedure that does not damage the teeth when used correctly. Whitening is achieved through oxidation and reduction processes on the enamel. Peroxides break down into oxygen radicals, which settle between the enamel prisms and break down the colour molecules there. This results in an optical change in tooth colour for our eyes.

White teeth not only mean an attractive appearance, but also quality of life and a positive attitude to life.



Tooth-coloured fillings

‘A day without a smile is a day lost.’ - Charlie Chaplin


For a long time, this material was used as a dental filling material, despite its ugly appearance. Due to its ease of processing, low cost and long durability, amalgam appeared to be the most suitable material. However, patients’ health awareness and aesthetic requirements have increased significantly in recent years, so dentists are increasingly choosing alternative materials.

Unfortunately, amalgam is still the standard material that is fully covered by health insurance.

Nevertheless, there are legal recommendations that amalgam should not be used in certain people (e.g. pregnant women, women of childbearing age, young children, etc.). Naturopaths also consider this material to be questionable and unsuitable. Furthermore, amalgam fillings often detract from the harmonious appearance of a row of teeth because they look like dark spots, especially when the mouth is open.

Last but not least, we dentists are obliged to use amalgam separators in our treatment centres to prevent this material from entering the environment or groundwater. In addition, such fillings should be removed with special amalgam extractors or with Cofferdam.

We do not use amalgam in our practice and I would refer you to the following materials.

However, amalgam is now being considered to be completely removed from the scope of health insurance cover.

There are very good alternatives - because better safe than sorry!



This filling material consists of tooth-coloured plastic with a greater or lesser proportion of inorganic, hard filling particles in various shapes. The adhesive bond with the tooth is created by micro-interlocking, a mechanical adhesion. This means that small changes can sometimes bring about a significant harmonisation of teeth and gums. These fillings are a genuine alternative to amalgam and can be layered in a wide variety of colours to match the natural tooth shades.




Inlays - ceramic and gold

Inlays are so-called inlay fillings. We produce ceramic inlays in our practice on site immediately by milling in a so-called CEREC device.


They are inserted on the same day!

It is no longer necessary to take an impression with a spoon in the mouth, but the tooth is digitally moulded with a so-called scan camera, which is particularly good for patients with gag reflexes!

Of course, there is always the alternative of having them made in a dental laboratory!

They can be made of metal (gold alloy) or as a ceramic part. Gold inlays are very stable and have a long service life. If gold inlays are to be aesthetically enhanced, they can also be veneered in white. However, a small gold rim always remains (so-called galvanised inlays).

However, these are hardly ever made any more, as pure ceramic restorations now have a very long service life and completely fulfil the aesthetic requirements.

The highest quality is therefore achieved with pure ceramic inlays, which can hardly be distinguished from your own tooth material even by experts.
Unlike gold inlays, these are not cemented but bonded.

Restorations anchored by adhesive bonding are bacteria-proof, stabilise the remaining tooth substance and meet the highest aesthetic requirements.

Inlays look very attractive, give the tooth back its lost function and last a very long time.

Every inlay is unique!!!



Special forms